2023 NYSEDC Economic Development Conference

2023 NYSEDC Economic Development Conference
March 1 - 2, 2023
Hilton Albany, 40 Lodge Street, Albany, NY
Full Conference Registration
Member Rate: $295.00
Future Member Rate: $395.00
One Day Registration
Member 1-Day Rate $225.00
Future Member Rate: $325.00
NYSEDC will issue a full refund for cancelations received prior to February 10, 2023.
After February 10, 2023 NO REFUND will be given.
Event Location + Hotel Information
Hilton Albany, 40 Lodge Street, Albany, NY 12207
NYSEDC Rate - Starting at $179 per night - Room Block Expires 1.29.23
TO BOOK YOUR OVERNIGHT STAY - You will receive a link to the Room Block at Hilton Albany after completing your event registration. If you don't receive your registration receipt , please check your spam filter or junk mail or email Wa'Kena Jackson.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Contact Wa'Kena Jackson or call 518-426-4058"PREPARE, GROW, ATTRACT"
Wednesday, March 1
Registration Sponsored by Phillips Lytle
Charging Station - Sponsored by NYPA
WIFI - Sponsored by Corning Inc
Headshot Station - Sponsored by National Grid
Breakfast Sponsored by Bergmann Associates
9:00 am - 9:15 am
Welcome, Opening Remarks, and Keynote Speaker
Introduction - Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan and Albany County Executive Dan McCoy
Opening remarks: Ryan Silva, Executive Director, New York State Economic Development
9:15 am - 10:00 am
Morning Keynote Session
Legislative Update
Moderator: Diana A. Ostroff, Chief Operating Officer, Ostroff Associates
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Plenary Speaker
Refreshment Break - Sponsored by Utica IDA
Breakout Session - Sponsored by Mohawk Valley EDGE
PREPARE: TRACK SESSION - Site Development 101 – How to Increase Inventory of Shovel and Market Ready Sites, Room - Governor D
At the 2022 Economic Development Conference, Governor Hochul launched the FAST NY Shovel-Ready Grant program to provide up to $200 million in grants to prepare and develop sites statewide to jumpstart New York’s shovel-readinessand increase its attractiveness to large employers, and targeted industries. Now that funding is available, hear from a panel of experts on best practices for identifying sites and meeting the standards of shovel readiness.
Moderator: Steve DiMeo, President, Mohawk Valley Edge
- Tim Hughes, Office Principal/Sustainability Leader at C&S Companies
- Kimberly Magrini, Partner, Ballard Spahr
- Joe Russo, Lead Economic Development Representative, National Grid
Breakout Session - Sponsored by LaBella Associates
GROW: TRACK SESSION - Economic Development Tools to Grow Your Housing Stock, Room - Governor C
Housing matters to economic development with long-term implications for economic growth and sustainability. In the 2023-2024 budget, Governor Hochul announced the New York Housing Compact, which offers an ambitious goal to build 800,000 new homes to address the statewide housing shortage. Having the right housing stock in your community can enhance economic performance and a community ‘s competitiveness for talent and business investment. This panel will discuss how they are planning to address the housing shortage in their communities and the state and local tools and resources they are using to address local needs and increase available housing stock.
Moderator: Scott LaMountain, Program Director, CDBG Economic Development at NYS Homes and Community Renewal
- Sarah Lee, Chief Executive Officer of Think Dutchess and Executive Director of the Dutchess County Industrial Development Agency
- Mark Masse, Senior VP, Operations at Genesee County Economic Development Center
- Peter Curry, Partner, Farrell Fritz, Attorneys
ATTRACT: TRACK SESSION - Marketing & Public Affairs: How to communicate, position your community, and engage community stakeholders to create successful outcomes, Room - Governor E
Your organization's marketing and communications strategy is vital to getting the word out to internal and external stakeholders. What story are you telling and how are you telling it? In this session, participants will learn about how to create a diverse marketing and public relations strategy that supports your economic development initiatives, builds stakeholder relationships, and delivers results.
- Tom Nardacci, Founder & CEO, Aurelius Coworks/Troy Innovation Garage
- Josh Poupore, Senior Vice President, Corning Place Communications
- Lisa Marrello, Esq., Partner and Managing Director, Park Strategies
- Carm Basile, CEO, Capital District Transportation Authority
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
Lunch, Keynote Speaker, and Keynote Session
12:30 pm - 1:15 pm
KEYNOTE SESSION - National Perspective - Economic Development Policy and Trends
U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Dennis Alvord Provides an Overview of U.S. Department of Commerce Policies and Programs that are Helping to Spur Equitable Economic Opportunity in New York and Beyond
- Dennis Alvord, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development and Chief Operating Officer of the U.S. Economic Development Administration
Afternoon Breakout Sessions - Sponsored by The Agency
PREPARE: TRACK SESSION - Clean Energy Economic Development, Room - Governor D
The global market for mass-manufactured clean energy technologies is projected to reach $650 billion annually by 2030. The enactment of the federal Inflation Reduction Act has set the stage for massive investments and job growth in US clean energy technology supply chains in the coming years. This panel session features business and economic development leaders at the forefront of these trends who will share insights and discuss the outlook and strategic investments to attract and grow clean energy supply chains in NY.
Moderator: Kevin Hale, Director, Economic Development and Strategic Partnerships, NYSERDA
- Keith Hayes, SVP and Senior Advisor to the CEO, New York Power Authority (NYPA)
- Kevin O'Connor, CEO of the Advance Albany County Alliance LDC
- Brenor Brophy, Vice President of Project Development, Plug Power, Inc.
- Dave Whipple, Senior Director, Empire State Development
GROW: TRACK SESSION - How to create a DEI Plan and make an impact in your community, Room - Governor C
Economic developers are developing programs and policies around diversity and inclusion and creating more equity in the communities they serve. Talking about equity and inclusion is vital; creating programs and policies that are scalable, measurable, and able to be replicated are critical. This panel will discuss how economic developers can create a successful diversity, equity and inclusion plan that will deliver results.
Moderator: Trish Wilson, Senior Program Manager for Economic Development, New York Power Authority
- Jason Golub, Partner, True Search
- Dr. Juhanna Rogers, Senior Vice President of Racial Equity and Social Impact, Center State CEO
- Tamika D. Otis, CEO & Principal, KABOD Consulting Group LLC
ATTRACT: TRACK SESSION - The State of the Grid - Power Trends - How NYISO will deliver the Grid of the Future, Room - Governor E
New York's climate policies are driving profound changes on the electric system. The NYISO is at the forefront of this transition, working to achieve state emissions mandates with a balanced approach that maintains electric system reliability. Kevin Lanahan will discuss how NYISO is preparing the power system for risks to reliability as they build the grid of the future, advance our economy, and support the health and safety of consumers.
- Kevin Lanahan, Vice President, External Affairs & Corporate Communications, New York Independent System Operator
Afternoon Refreshment Break - Exhibition Space - Sponsored by C&S Companies
Afternoon Breakout Sessions - Sponsored by Farrell Fritz PC
PREPARE: TRACK SESSION - IDA Best Practices: Using Data, Benefit Cost Analysis and Updating your UTEP To Maximize Economic Impact, Room - Governor D
IDA’s are adapting to an ever-evolving economy to provide the best possible resources to serve their communities. Utilizing data is an effective tool to make informed decisions and provide greater context on how these investments benefit the local economy. Additionally, there were several IDA related bills that were passed by the legislature and signed by Governor Hochul in 2022. In this session, hear from experts on how to modernize your policies and prepare your community for continued growth.
Moderator: Rachel Baranello, Attorney, Harris Beach, PLLC
- Jessica Tagliafierro, Senior Analyst, Camoin Associates
- Tracy Verrier, Senior Economic Analyst, MRB Group - Supporting Document
- Milan Tyler, Esq., Partner, Phillips Lytle, LLP
GROW: TRACK SESSION - Empire State Development - Tools to Support Small Business, Technology Development & the Innovation Economy, Room - Governor C
New York is already leading the way in creating the jobs of the future. Between 2010 and 2021, 113,000 high-wage jobs were created in the tech sector, encompassing everything from scientific research to software development, and New York businesses raised $53 billion in venture capital in 2021. Governor Hochul introduced several programs in this years budget, which focus on rapidly growing industry sectors like high tech, life sciences, and advanced manufacturing, and includes measures to strengthen the State’s supply chain and expand well-established business attraction programs already proven to drive growth. In this session, learn more about SBIR Matching, venture capital equity investment funds, and the newly revamped Extended Prosperity and Innovation Campuses (EPIC) program.
Moderator: Alison Kabir, Vice President, Policy, Operations at Empire State Development
- Liz Lusskin, Executive Vice President Small Business and Technology Development, ESD
- Paul Matrose, Senior Director of Tax Incentives, Empire State Development
- Dr. Heidi Knoblauch, Acting Senior Director of the Division of Science, Technology, & Innovation (NYSTAR), ESD
ATTRACT: TRACK SESSION - New York Loves Biotech - Opportunities for Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Life Science Sector, Room - Governor E
Through strategic investment in biopharmaceutical, device and diagnostic research, development and manufacturing, New York is fueling the creation of cutting-edge healthcare solutions. New York is growing its life science industry through a broad range of economic development programs and public-private partnerships, supported by the state’s research and development and the development of world class talent. Learn more about how New York is expanding the state’s ability to commercialize research and spurring the growth of a world-class life science research cluster and how your community can participate in the growth and attraction of this growing sector.
Moderator: Mary Bartlett, NY Bio Association
- Loretta Beine, Senior Director of Business Development, Empire State Development
- Deborah Novick, Director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Westchester County Economic Development
- Clint Rubin, PhD, Director of the Center for Biotechnology and a SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Stony Brook University
- Michelle Lewis, PhD, Executive Director, Stack Family Center for Biopharmaceutical Education and Training (CBET)
Afternoon - Keynote Speaker
- Hope Knight, President and CEO, Empire State Development
General Session - Sponsored by Barclay Damon, LLP
Meet the Strategic Business Development Team at Empire State Development (ESD)
The Strategic Business Division at Empire State Development is the group of industry specialists that closely manages the State's relationship with key strategic clusters to encourage growth and attract investment and jobs from employers around the world. The strategic business division team has worked with local economic developers to attract new companies or help lead expansion efforts from companies such as Micron, Regeneron, Roche, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Dick’s Sporting Goods, American Express, GlobalFoundries, GE, Guardian Glass, and Nucor Steel. This session will introduce the entire Strategic Business Team and provide attendees the opportunity to learn about the strategic approach New York is taking to grow critical segments of our state economy.
- Allison Argust, Director of Industry Development
- Patricia Bayley, Vice President of Digital & New Media Development
- Richard (RJ) Ball, Senior Director of Industry Development - Buffalo
- Jennifer Waters, Senior Director of Industry Development
- James Kostenblatt, Senior Director of Industry Development
- Stefan Fleming, Director of Industry Development - Rochester
- Steven Gold, Vice President of Industry Development
- Michael Morse, Vice President of Industry Development
- David Whipple, Senior Director of Industry Development
- Loretta Beine, Senior Director of Business Development
- Kristi Schwebke, Director of Industry Development
- Carin Rising, Senior Director of International Partnerships
- Abby Gomes, Project Manager
Networking Reception
Sponsored by Harris Beach PLLC and Westchester County EDC
Thursday, March 2
Registration Sponsored by Phillips Lytle
Charging Station - Sponsored by NYPA
WIFI - Sponsored by Corning Inc
Breakfast - Sponsored by Hudson Valley Community College
Morning Plenary Session
What Site Selection Looks Like In 2023 and Beyond
This panel of top selection consultants will share their views on major trends in corporate location decision-making for the year ahead. The panel will discuss the current state of Site Selection and considerations influencing corporate site selection decisions including environmental/social/governance (ESG) factors, workforce, sustainability, supply chain shortages and corporate risk mitigation. The panel will also discuss the need for shovel ready, market ready industrial sites and the growing surplus of office properties. The panel will also discuss the rise of megaprojects and how it is impacting the role of economic developers around the U.S.
Moderator: Heather D. McDaniel, CEcD, AICP, EDFP, President at Ithaca Area Economic Development
- Darin Buelow, Principal, Real Estate Strategy & Sustainability, Deloitte
- Brad Berg, Project Developer, ARCO/Murray National Construction Company
- Christopher D. Lloyd, Sr., VP & Director, Infrastructure & Economic Development, McGuireWoods Consulting LLC
Refreshment Break - Exhibition Space - Sponsored by Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC
Morning Breakout Sessions
PREPARE: TRACK SESSION - IDAs: Managing Labor Policies and Managing your Messaging, Room - Governor D
Developing sound labor policies and building capacity to manage them is critical to an IDA's success in building new partnership. Managing your messaging and how you talk about the work your IDA is doing beyond job creation is equally as important to manage relationships within your local community. Hear from experts on how to prepare for new prevailing wage law and how to push back again the new criticisms IDA's are facing on tax abatements.
Moderator: A. Joseph Scott, III, Partner; Real Estate & Finance Practice Area Leader; Bond Counsel Practice Co-Leader, Hodgson Russ LLP
- Jim Loewke, CEO, Loewke Brill
- Steve Porath, Executive Director, Rockland County IDA
- Darius Shahinfar, Treasurer and CFO at City of Albany, NY - Supporting Document
GROW: TRACK SESSION - The State of New York State Workforce Development, Room - Governor C
Workforce development is economic development and without the workforce to fill the open current and future jobs; our investments in economic growth will be stifled. Hear from NYS DOL, Empire State Development's Office of Workforce Development, and NYATEP about the current state of workforce development in New York State and how they are working collaboratively to support economic growth and create economic opportunity for all New Yorkers.
- Therese Daly, Deputy Director of the New York Employment and Training Professionals Association
- Amber Rangel, Vice President and Director, Workforce Development, Empire State Development
- Chris White, Deputy Commissioner for Workforce Development, NYS Department of Labor
ATTRACT: TRACK SESSION - What to Expect When You're Expecting a Chip Fab - Exploring the Local, Regional, and Statewide Impact of Micron and other Semiconductor Projects, Room - Governor E
Moderator: Honora Spillane, Vice President of Economic Development, CenterState Corporation for Economic Opportunity
- Andy Whitworth, Vice President, Exyte
- Joseph Dragone, Ph.D. Senior Executive Officer, Capital Region BOCES
- David Anderson, President, NY CREATES and the Albany Nanotech Complex
- Katie Newcombe, Chief Economic Development Officer at Center for Economic Growth
12:00 - 12:15 pm
Lunch Keynote Speaker - Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Next Steps for the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA)
The Climate Action Council (CAC), responsible for developing a scoping plan to reduce New York's greenhouse gas emissions, voted in December 2022 to approve the plan, which requires reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 85% by 2050 from 1990 levels. As the next steps and regulatory process begins, hear from agency leaders who will be involved in crafting regulations and making investments in clean energy projects and how it will impact economic development across New York State.
Moderator: Matt Hamilton, Vice President, Marathon Strategies
- Doreen Harris, President and CEO, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)
- Maureen Leddy, Director of the Office of Climate Change, Department of Environmental Conservation
Conference Closes