2023 Fall IDA Academy - Lyons Falls

2023 Fall IDA Academy
November 09, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
3 Willows Event Center, 3950 NY-12, Lyons Falls, NY 13368
Registration for the Fall IDA Academy is now closed.
If you have questions or concerns about your registration or did not receive a confirmation, please email Steph Cavalier or call 518.426.4058.
Event Location + Hotel Information
IDA Academy Location: 3 Willows Event Center, 3950 NY-12, Lyons Falls, NY 13368
Edge Hotel, 3952 NY-12, Lyons Falls, NY 13368
NYSEDC Rate - $109 per night
TO BOOK YOUR OVERNIGHT STAY - Call The Edge Hotel at 315-348-4211 and use room block NYSEDC IDA Academy.
Wednesday, November 08
Informal meet up and happy hour for locals and overnight guests
Boondocks Restaurant & Bar - 3950 State Rte 12 Highway, Lyons Falls, NY 13368, United States
Thursday, November 09- Agenda
The IDA Academy will be held at the 3 Willows Event Center, 3950 NY-12, Lyons Falls, NY 13368
Welcome and Opening Remarks
- Ryan Silva, Executive Director, New York State Economic Development Council
Legislative and IDA Policy Update
- Ryan Silva, Executive Director, New York State Economic Development Council
- Amy Kramer, Senior Vice President, Ostroff Associates
- Sarah Lee, Chief Executive Officer of Think Dutchess and Executive Director of the Dutchess County Industrial Development Agency
- John Cappellino, Executive Director of the Erie County IDA
Morning Refreshment Break
Public Authorities: Board Member Training
This session must be attended live to meet the ABO training requirement and receive credit
- Jeff Pearlman, Authorities Budget Office
Lunch and Learn - NYSEDC IDA Public Relations + Public Affairs Strategy
- Rich Bamberger, Partner, Bamberger & Vlasto
IDA Best Practices - Application Review + Roles and Responsibilities of Staff + Counsel
- Melissa Bennett, Partner, Barclay Damon
IDA Best Practices - Benefit Cost Analysis and Project Tracking + Housing Project Evaluations
- Michael N'dolo, Director of Economic Development, MRB Group
- Tracy Verrier, Senior Economic Analyst, MRB Group
IDA Best Practices - Statutory Requirements for UTEPS
- Susan Katzoff, Partner, Bousquet Holstein PLLC
Afternoon Refreshment Break
Project Case Studies
- How St. Lawrence County Leveraged the Build Ready Program
- Gillian Black, Director of Build Ready, NYSERDA
- Patrick Kelly, CEO, St. Lawrence County IDA
- Renewable Energy Companies and Host Community Benefits
- Cheyenne Steria, Director of Finance and Incentives, Naturally Lewis
- Cheyenne Steria, Director of Finance and Incentives, Naturally Lewis
- Workforce Housing Policy and Projects
- Todd Castaldo, IDA Manager | Economic Development Manager, City of New Rochelle
- Jorge Ventura Ovalles, Deputy Commissioner of Development, City of New Rochelle
Closing Remarks
- Ryan Silva, Executive Director, New York State Economic Development Council