2022 Spring Virtual IDA Academy

Virtual Spring IDA Academy
April 12, + May 4, 2022
Registration Closed

TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 20229:00 a.m.
Welcome and NYSEDC Policy Agenda Update
- Ryan Silva, Executive Director, New York State Economic Development Council
9:05 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Legislative Forum: New York State budget summary and 2022 legislative session update
- Moderated by: Ryan Silva, New York State Economic Development Council
- Diana Ostroff, Managing Partner, Ostroff Associates
- Ashton Matyi, Vice President, Ostroff Associates
10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Office of State Comptroller: Balance of Federal Payments Report and NYS Recovery Status
- Carolyn Boldiston, Principal Analyst, Office of Budget and Policy Analysis
Office of State Comptroller (OSC) Balance of Payments Report
OSC Balance of Payments Report Interactive Map
OSC‘s tracker of COVID-19 relief funds in NYS
Public Affairs: Basic training and best practices for IDAs
- Moderated by: Shelby Schneider, New York State Economic Development Council
- Chyresse Wells, Corning Place
- Robbie Ann McPherson, Erie County IDA
- David A. Chauvin, ZE Creative Communications
Tools of the Trade 2.0 - Carbon Neutral Programs and Housing Opportunities for IDAs
- Lenny Skrill, New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) PRESENTATION
PILOT Agreements and Modernizing your Uniform Tax Exemption Policies (UTEP)
- Milan Tyler, Phillips Lytle PRESENTATION
- Amanda Fitzgerald, Barclay Damon PRESENTATION
Project Management; from accepting an application to billing for payments
- Russ Gaenzle, Harris Beach
- Joe Scott, Hodgson Russ PRESENTATION
9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Authorities Budget Office: Board Member Training
- This session must be attended live to meet the ABO training requirement and receive credit