2022 Fall IDA Academy

2022 Fall IDA Academy
November 10, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Delta Hotels by Marriott, 200 Genesee Street, Utica
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If you are interested in Sponsorship Opportunites, please email Wa'Kena Jackson or call 518.426.4058.
Developing Agenda - subject to change
Wednesday, November 9 - Early arrivals and Overnight Guests
Networking with Mohawk Valley Edge
Welcome to Oneida County and Utica, New York
- Tim Fitzgerald, Vice President Economic Development, Mohawk Valley Edge
Thursday, November 10
Welcome and NYSEDC Policy Agenda Update
Ryan Silva, Executive Director, New York State Economic Development Council
PARIS Reporting Best Practices
Under the Public Authorities Reform Act (PAAA), all Industrial Development Agencies (IDA) and Local Development Corporations (LDC) are required to submit annual reports via the Public Authorities Reporting Information System (PARIS). In this session, you will hear from legal counsel on what reports are required to be submitted and how to submit them. This session will also feature a series of best practices from IDAs large and small on how to effectively and efficiently submit your reports as well as consulting firms who serve as a third-party assistant/administrator to ensure compliance with state law.
Moderator: Julie Marshall, Consultant, Harris Beach
- Jessica Tagliafierro, Senior Analyst, Camoin Associates
- Robin Finnerty, Special Projects Manger, COMIDA
- Jamie J. Corteville, Fiscal Officer & CFO, Wayne County IDA
Authorities Budget Office: Training for IDA Staff and Board
- Jeff Pearlman, Authorities Budget Office
11:45-12:45 pm
Lunch and Learn - Advocacy and Managing Relationships with State and Local Officials
Building and sustaining relationships within your community stakeholders is essential for IDAs to achieve their mission. Communicating regularly and effectively with stakeholders at the local, regional, and state levels of government builds goodwill, and strategic partnerships, and creates a better understanding of the work your organization is doing. Learn from your colleagues and peers about how they maintain strong relationships with the state legislature and hear from our lobbying firm on how these relationships ultimately help shape state policy toward economic development.
Moderator: Liz Benjamin, Managing Director - Albany, Marathon Communications
- James Johnson, Executive Director, Steuben County IDA
- Sarah Lee, Executive Director, Dutchess County IDA
- Andrew Kennedy, Senior Vice President, Ostroff Associates
No presentations for this panel.
IDA Operations 101
Managing, operating, and running an IDA or an LDC is detailed and complex. From maintaining compliance with General Municipal Law (GML) and PAAA, to staffing an agency, holding public meetings, approving projects, or developing a strategic plan, IDA leaders and staff are often multi-tasking and managing a variety of different projects, programs, and priorities on a daily basis. In this session, you will hear best practices from IDAs large and small how they manage their day-to-day, and hear from consulting groups who often aid in the day-to-day operations of IDAs across the state.
Moderator: Melissa Bennett, Partner, Barclay Damon
- Cheyenne Steria, Director of Finance and Incentives, Naturally Lewis
- Andy Corcione, Project Services Director, Capitalize Albany
- Tracy Verrier, Senior Economic Analyst, MRB Group
2:15-3:15 pm
Site Development 101
Market/Shovel ready is a phrase to describe a construction project at an advanced enough stage of development for building to begin and laborers to work immediately once sufficient funding is secured. In light of Micron’s transformational announcement to invest $100 Billion in a new semiconductor facility in Onondaga County, we know investing in sites will lead to private sector successes. There continues to be a shortage of shovel-ready sites around the country; the need for New York to invest in sites has never been greater than it is today. Hear from several IDAs across the state on their work to develop sites, attract, industry, and create jobs for their community.
Moderator: Nick Bruno, Vice President Business Development, Mohawk Valley Edge
- John Piseck, Jr., Chief Executive Officer, Herkimer IDA
- Fred Braun, Chairman, Brookhaven IDA
- Robert Petrovich, Director, Onondaga IDA
- Neil Webb, Director, Markets and Growth, Ramboll
Project Financing 101
One of the most important aspects of IDA work is to evaluate the financial viability of a project. Understanding the tools and resources available and how to utilize them often makes the difference between a project succeeding or not moving forward. Hear from several IDAs about how to construct a deal, what additional tools are available at the state level to help make the math work, and how to determine whether a pro forma is viable or not.
Moderator: Patrick Kelly, Chief Executive Officer, St. Lawrence County IDA
- David Whipple, Director of Industry Development, Empire State Development
- Lori Borowiak, Senior Project Manager, New Construction, NYSERDA
- Kipp Hicks, Executive Director, Madison County IDA
- Christopher Canada, Partner; Public Authority Practice Co-Leader, Hodgson Russ
Thank you to our sponsors!